Garage Door Motor Replacement Sydney​

Like most mechanical devices that are used daily, garage door motors will eventually require maintenance or repair and eventually replacement.

Garage Repairs Sydney are a trusted, authorised Merlin representative. We will assess your requirements and choose the best garage motor replacement depending on whether you have a single or double-spaced garage and how old your garage door is. We will also assess your requirements when choosing an appropriate garage door opener to make sure you get the best result.

Once we’ve done our initial inspection, we will advise you whether or not we need to replace the motor or if we can simply repair your existing motor, potentially saving you money if replacement is not necessary. All new products come with a full manufacturer warranty.

Common Motor Problems

The most common problems that occur with garage doors include the following: roller door ballooning, jamming, stuck closed or open, opening manually not automatically, emergency release stuck, lock/key damaged, door heavy to lift, door dropping and not staying in an open position, remote control not working, motor running but door not moving, roller door noisy or squeaking, unwanted noise, light not working, broken springs, broken hinges and bent wheels. 

Whatever problem you have, Garage Repairs Sydney has a motor replacement service to help you.

Garage Motor Door Solutions

At Garage Repairs Sydney, we can provide effective solutions for common problems occurring in motor roller doors, tilt doors and sectional doors.

white dual roller door garage on white brick house
Roller Door
black tilt garage door on double storey house
Tilt Door
white sectional garage doors on grey panelled house
Sectional Door
Garage Repairs Sydney

Problem with Your Door Motor? Contact the Garage Repairs Sydney Team Today!